So, What is Music for PhDs?

My name is Sunita LeGallou, and I’m a visual artist. I paint to music, often live on-stage, and often to contemporary classical. I wanted to know more about the sounds that inspired me, and thus this podcast was born.

For each episode, I interview a composer and create a painting based on one of their works. I also talk to Dr. Kate Einarson about the science of music - how it affects our brains and our bodies. It’s a mash-up of music, inspiration and science.

Every piece of music has a story, but so does every listener! I’m fascinated by how music has such a direct pipeline to our emotions, and how fully absorbed I can become when painting live to music. This art-project-disguised-as-a-podcast is my personal attempt to get closer to the music that inspires me, and I’d love for you to join me.


Artshow Friday Feb 28th, Two House Brewing Company, YYC